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CTIA Wireless 2002

Update March 28th: Our Video Report from CTIA is finally online. Click Here to watch.
VisorCentral is on location at the CTIA show, the world’s largest wireless event. This year it is held in sunny Orlando Florida.
Treo 270
Earlier today we got a chance to preview a development unit of the new Treo 270. Since it was a development model, specs are likely to change. The screen was bright and easy to read indoors, and reportedly works well outside too. It did not seem to be high resolution, and a "pixel grid" (similar to the one on the Prism) was visible. The phone application took advantage of the color screen and had a 3D feel to it. The keyboard buttons were slightly changed from my Treo’s – the number lettering on the numbers part of the keyboard were significantly bolder and more noticeable. Some readers have reported receiving Treo 180 units with this redefined keyboard.
New 180 Software fixes bugs and improved battery life
A Handspring representative stated that the updated software some of our readers have noticed on the newer Treo’s contains over 40 bug fixes. The newer software also increases the standby time from 30 hours to over 110 hours by better power management.
In an earlier report we incorrectly reported that a flash upgrade was available from Handspring Tech Support for early Treo users. They sent us the following note commenting on the issue: "We do not have any available updater for Treo 180 at this time so folks who call with the expectation of getting a download or a replacement unit purely for standby time will be disappointed. It is true that standby time increases with the new build. Your article on CTIA conference this morning might encourage people to call us with this expectation when we have nothing to offer yet but are working on it."
Once Handspring has a solution available we will spread the word. To check if you have one of the revised Treo models or not, look for the following software:
Phonebook 3.5H4
CarrierExtension 1.5
Connection 3.5H
Digitizer 3.5H
GSM Library 1.2
LanugagePicker 1.0H2 (not in orig)
Treo Cradle available now!
Handspring also officially released today a USB cradle for the Treo. Frequent readers might remember that we covered this last week. The price is still a whopping $49.99.
CDMA Treo?
Handspring keeps hinting that this will be a "busy week." Pure speculation, but maybe we will see some an annoucement regarding the CDMA Treo later this week. Confirmed.
Other news
- Several cell phone accessory makers are planning on introducing Treo car chargers within the next couple on months
- Pharos will soon introduce a Treo compatible cable for their GPS
- Microsoft are demonstraing their new Smart Phones, we are going to take a closer look at them tonight.