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Why Eye?

Wed Mar 21, 2001 - 11:55 AM EST - By Alan Graham

Spy vs. Spy

Wanna know a secret? How would you like to use a telephoto lens on your E2? I'll bet you are wondering who makes them? Well I made my own, by simply using a pair of binoculars. Huh? Go to the store and locate a set of binoculars whose eyepiece fits nicely over the E2 lens. Locate something you want to take an image of at a long distance. Focus the binoculars first so that what you want to capture is clear to your eyes. Line up the two lenses and take the picture. Can't be possible? Check this out...I swear it hasn't been altered...



When you line up the two lenses, you can still use the viewfinder on the Visor. It displays wherever the binoculars are pointing. The enlarged photo was taken with the E2 and a 8x21 pair of Tasco binoculars. The second image was taken without the binoculars to give you an idea of distance. The only editing done to these images is some cropping (it is possible to pickup the circular pattern of the eyepiece in your image). The car you see in the image is more than 100 yards away. Based on this rough prototype, I think you could actually build a telephoto lens for the E2.

Why do I need this? >>


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