Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
76% |
24% |

The protection is worth the loss of clarity. |
WriteRights do cause a significant loss of sharpness in your screen -- I replaced one recently and was startled at how sharp the display looked without one. BUT... let's face it, if you scratch your screen, you are out of luck. WriteRights do a good job against smudges, scratches, and other sorts of damage-causing contact. Example: I have a stylus pen and accidentally used the pen tip on the screen recently! Without a WriteRight I'd be worrying about how to get the marks off my screen. But all I had to do was replace the WriteRight. They also allow you (or someone you love) to touch the screen with a fingertip without leaving a near-indelible smudge.
WriteRights are worth the cost, even if they are sort of pricey for a piece of clear adhesive. They are way less than a replacement screen!
BertBert |

Necessary |
If you have a Visor, I consider these necessary. Yes the price is expensive, but I'm able to use my Visor effectively even after a couple of months with one WriteRight. So, the cost can be amended by using them longer. ~US$25 isn't bad for a year-and-a-half, which is about what I get out of one pack.
OverZealous |

Good Protection |
They are good...not great, but good. One note...do NOT buy them from Concept Kitchen, as they tend to price them high as to nit compete with their resellers. Buy.com or Outpost.com are usually good placed to find a deal on them.
Anonymous |

Excellent screen protection. |
No more scratches, finger prints or glare. I find that the screen can take on more abuse and I have been using my finger/finger nail more especially when I have my OmniRemote module snapped in. The only downsides are the screen is not as sharp and it does emit rubbing noises during writing but the improved graffiti recognition and paper-like texture more than makes up for it. I got mine for free from AvantGo (I think they are still giving the WriteRight samplers away for signing up a friend).
eujinc |

I like them |
I have used the WriteRights for about 3 weeks, and to tell the truth they are pretty good. I screen isn't as reflective, but the glare was annoying before. My Grafitti has also really improved. I give them 8/10. I'd prefer if the price was lower.
Scott J. Goldstein |

WriteRight for Color Screens |
I tried the WRs designed for the regular screen and was disturbed by the reduction in clarity caused by the WR. However, when I called the company, they suggested I try the version designed for Color PDA- they have a smooth screen rather than the linen type surface. The glare is about the same as an unprotected screen, but there is little or no reduction in clarity. I highly recommend them!
rsbaran |

A must have |
I used to own a Palm Professional, and the screen became very scratched over time, particularly in the graffiti window. I've used WriteRight's since, and the screen on my Visor is as pristine as the day I purchased it.

After you get the bubbles out... |
I had a few problems getting the air bubbles out when applying, but found that is you lift it up and use the card from the middle in both directions (up and down) you can smooth them out. I was a little skeptical when I first started using it, but the long term protection is a must - in the long run the screen unprotected just gets too scratched up.
davovad |

Works like it is supposed to |
A worth while purchase to protect your PDA investment. I feel that it certainly helps hand writing recognition and protects against scratches.
Dave |

But the new palm m100 and palm vx might not need any protection on grafitti |
seems palm has changed the glass on the grafitti/digitizer area so it is now scratch proof so we might not need any protection there anymore
[email protected] |