Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
76% |
24% |

Used since I had a PalmPro + Love them |
I had an old PalmPro. After about a year and a half, I noticed that it was geting harder and harder to get it to recognize my handwriting. There were so many scratches on the letter area that it didn't work well anymore. After using the WriteRight, it worked much better, and the slow erosion of the screen was over. It does get anoying to replace them after 3 weeks of heavy use, but it'll keep my Handspring in service much longer.
Sam Gamgee |

Clean Your Screen |
WriteRights really show their value when you look at your Visor screen and notice how dirty it is... Just pull off your old WriteRight and replace it and you have a clean screen that is protected from scratches and damage.
Anonymous |

Consider them essential |
Now... with that said, let me qualify my statement. I really wouldn't use the Visor without apply the Write-Right BUT...
I don't use the ones marked Palm/Visor. I use the ones marked for use with Windows CE devices.
The WinCE Write-Rights are _clear_. I too hated the bumps and the loss of contrast they caused.
If you use the WinCE version, you can get the protection without the eyestrain!
jaytee |

Screen protection is the primary reason to use. |
Have not noticed any significant reduction in glare, which is the only negative I could ever say about the Visor. The WriteRight is a bit pricey, but Office Depot sells at discount.
gcs |

It helps keep it amazing clean! |
While some folks have a problem with
the way the creen looks after application.
I think the protection is worth the price, and
the pain in the ass of applying it.
Bobb |

Pricey, but worth it for me. |
So they're a little expensive. Yes, there are home-made alternatives. There are other screen protector manufacturers too. But WriteRights are the most available and accessible screen protection, and from the looks of my first one (now going on 4 months old) they last indefinately. Even if you pay $30 bucks for a pack, at the rate I'm going, that will last 4 years, and is well worth it.
mchlwise |

write right a great investment!!!! |
Purchased mine in April, and I am still using the first one that I applied.
If you follow the instructions for applying them, you should have NO PROBLEM.
I purchased mine on Outpost.com for $19.95. Next day delivery.
If you love you Visor, protect it with WriteRight!
farmers309 |

Protects Well |
The visual change that it causes on my visor doesn't bother me. I don't like that it seems to attract more lint and dust to the screen.
All in all, I like it. The price is a bit high.
I've never been able to find an alternative to them for sale anywhere. I keep looking because I would prefer a clear screen protector.
Peter |

Old WriteRIGHTS were better!!! |
I used the orginal WriteRIGHTS about 3 years ago with my Palm Pro. I just finished my pack of 12 today and went to buy some new ones.....TALK ABOUT BLURRY SCREEN....The old WriteRIGHTS were nice and smooth and CLEAR. The new ones are bumpy, make the screen blurry and have a stupid logo at the bottom....
I will definatly NOT be using them anymore.
Heyday |

Shabby when compared to others |
WriteRights are fine if you need a slap a grainy plastic on your screen. After reading all of the glowing reviews of WriteRights I went out and spent my precious money on a pack to protect my visor. For visor owners they are especially annoying because they don't cover the entire width of the screen. After a few weeks of use I started noticing my eyes would get tired after a few minutes from trying to read the fuzzy text. Not to mention that made the screen look perpetually dirty. I found myself cleaning the screen almost everyday. More than my unprotected screen! I have seen firsthand a product called WriteMate that is significantly better and that's what I would recommend. For now I still have 10 WriteRights left so I've started cutting them so they just cover the graffiti area. That way I get the benefit of having protection it the most used area but my entire display doesn't look shabby.
There's a good review of the WriteMate at http://www.spug.org/reviews/rwritemate.htm
saxmatt |