Tue Nov 21, 2000 - 7:20 PM EST - By James Hromadka | |
we got a lot done. Of course that morning I discovered what I forgot
to bring -- hair spray (I borrowed Marcus' icky gel). I have accepted
that every time I travel I'm leaving something behind.
developers take note: someone needs to make a travel alarm for the
Visor that has an internal speaker and lets you make a list of things for
traveling. It will then make you check them off before you leave
or make an incessant alarm every five minutes. Annoying but worth
Our Visors were in constant use today. JunglePort was a good resource as a map of Las Vegas, and we used the Visor's calendar and beamed our business card a few times as well. I got to put a face to the name of a lot of people that I speak with, and we also met a few VisorCentral readers!
I picked up a HandyGPS module at the Nexian station and a SpeedLoader from InnoGear. Marcus bought a Visor Prism (since I'm not giving mine up) at the Handspring store. I was surprised they weren't selling travel chargers there.
had a great interview with Andre Eisenbach from InnoGear while Marcus spoke
with JungleSoft and SoDeog Technologies. I got a chance to
use the press booth provided by EDS. For some reason there wasn't
a bathroom in the entire building. One thing I noticed about Vegas
is there's like two bathrooms per building, be it casinos, hotels, or Comdex.
With all the senior citizens that go to Vegas how can this be?
Thursday night, we went to a party for a Bio-security company. The CEO did a rendition of Austin Powers that wasn't too bad. The food wasn't that great, but the drinks, as always, were good.
Marcus and I then went to the Star Trek Experience at the Hilton.
I'm going to expose my geekyness by say that that was one of the coolest
experiences I've ever had in a vacation environment. I'm a big fan
of ST:TNG and it felt strange being able to walk the halls of the Enterprise
D and touch the engineering panel on the bridge. The ride itself
was a little short but was fun.
Friday >>
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