Tue Nov 21, 2000 - 7:20 PM EST - By James Hromadka | |
was winding down, so Marcus went to the Sands Convention Center for the
Linux part of Comdex while I checked out the Memory Stick Pavilion and
some of the possible application sticks that could conceivably run on the
InnoDrive/MS. You can bet I'll be bugging InnoGear about getting
all the functionality they can out of this module. I saw working
prototypes of a digital camera and a fingerprint identifier. I also
browsed the rest of the show. There weren't many freebies being handed
out, but I did manage to get a pack of Ask Jeeves playing cards.
I also played with the floating*point stylus that is coming soon from Landware. I only tried it out for a little bit, but it could replace my custom stylus simply for the fact that I won't have to worry about others pressing to hard on my delicate screen.
Kodak was rather cagey about a digital camera module. I'll keep that in the "maybe" column for now.
Friday I also transcribed the InnoGear interview I did and posted it
online. If there is one thing that isn't fun in this job, it's transcribing
interviews. Hopefully the Targus Total Recall or other voice recorder
module can let us start doing audio interviews for you. That or I
need a secretary.
Friday evening was fun night for Marcus and myself. We wanted to go see Jay Leno, but his show was sold out, so we went to the Tower and did the Space Shot, which shoots you up at 4 G's then free falls to give the illusion of weightlessness. As we were already ~1000 ft high, you can imagine how wild this ride is.
was also a mini roller coaster, but after the Space Shot it was a let down.
I have here pictures of the Hilton sign from street level and from the
top of the Tower. That tiny red light on the right is the Hilton
We then headed to Fremont Street and walked through all of the sights
downtown. The overhead screen was pretty amazing. Every hour
they play some music with video across the length and width of the entire
Saturday >>
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