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More Edge Photos and details
Updated: More Edge Photos and details
PalmInfoCenter has posted portions of an advertising brochure on Handspring's upcoming Visor Edge - which is allegedly debuting on Monday.
Update: PDA Live has additional photos of the Edge.
The brochure contains the following information:
- No mention of a smaller Springboard replacement
- The removable expansion holder, which is included, is refereed to as a "Detachable Springboard slot"
- An LED in the power button indicates charging status
- The same LED can blink when an alarm goes off (slient alarm)
- Weighs 4.8 ozs
- Dimensions are 4.7 inches x 3.1 inches x .43 inches
- Lithium-ion battery, which lasts up to 4 weeks on a single charge
- Futurisitic looking cradle - the Visor Edge appears to be "hovering" above it when connected
- 33Mhz Motorola VZ processor, 8MB of memory
- Monochrome LCD with 4-bit grayscale
- Body in three colors: Red, Blue, and Metallic silver.
- A new Fast Lookup feature in the Address book
- No mention what the extra pins on the connector are for
According to PalmInfoCenter, the brochure says Handspring is targeting this device at the "customer who craves cutting edge design and likes to show it off", and also towards people with a mobile lifestyle who value a small form factor but who still want expansion capabilities.
PalmInfoCenter also reports that the Visor Edge will be available in retail channels (in addition to Handspring's online store) as early as Monday.
As James noted last week, Handspring has also registered the domains and At that time we speculated that the "Visor Snap could be an external Springboard slot that connects to the Edge when you need to connect a module."
However, if the removable expansion holder is indeed labeled as a "Detachable Springboard slot," then what is the Visor Snap?
Also, while James joked that "the Visor Twist could be the next dance craze that sweeps across the nation", VisorCentral reader emeyer offers a more exciting idea:
"I think the Twist in VisorTwist refers to SuperTwist LCD technology So maybe we will see a color unit with the VisorEdge form factor. "