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Visor Edge photos
Updated: Visor Edge photos
PDA Buzz has posted an alleged photo of the upcoming Visor Edge. It appears that the VE will still have the Ir Port on the left side (although lower) and the stylus connects directly to the right side instead of using a silo. The power button is clear, and the buttons appear to be metallic.
PalmInfoCenter reports that the Visor Edge will be available in three colors: Metallic Silver, Red and Blue. According to their source, the dimensions are 4.7 inches x 3.1inches x .43 inches (PalmVx is 4.5 inches x 3.1 inches x 0.4 inches).
Earlier this week, Staples listed the Visor Edge by mistake in its online store. The indicated MSRP was $399.
There goes my big April Fools day article. I was going to do a mockup of a Visor that looks like the new Apple PowerBook G4, and Handspring had to go and make one.
Update: With their permission, we are now mirroring the two images of the Visor Edge that PDA Buzz has: