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CompactFlash Wars - Part III
Things are heating up in the war to provide Visor enthusiasts with a CompactFlash (CF) Memory solution. MatchBookProducts has a Patent Pending on their new MD-100 CF Module. This new module (pictured in the middle) holds any CF Card entirely within the adapter! It's a newer, cleaner streamlined design.
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However, not to be outdone, InnoPocket out of Hong Kong will be accepting orders for their own CF Module this Saturday 2/24/2001. Their module includes a ribbed finger hold that makes it easier to remove the module from your Visor. Other improvements they've made include a guide-track that makes it easier to insert your CF card into the module as well as a tight-fitting design that prevents your module from wiggling.
Both modules use the FAFileMover software from Kopsis Engineering.
The innovation continues, and you heard it hear first at!