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New version of YadaYada software
I received the following from YadaYada on a new version of their free software available for the Palm OS that can also be used with their wireless service:Dear James:
We are pleased to announce the release of YadaYada 3.1, complete with
exciting new features. Get the most out of YadaYada and download the
latest version now:
New features of YadaYada 3.1:
Web-Based Email - Be the envy of all your friends with your own
YadaYada email address ([email protected]) and access the account
from any computer!
YadaYada Calendar - Send time-sensitive notifications and reminders
via email, as well as set appointments and invite other attendees.
What are you waiting for? Upgrade now and get the best of YadaYada.
It's FREE!
Thanks for your valuable feedback, and remember to tell your friends
about YadaYada. Your World. On the Go. Now if they could only release it in color. Why is it taking so long for wireless providers to release color software?
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