CFCardInfo - This is the "check it out" app that you run anytime you insert a new or strange CF Card into your InnoPocket. If it doesn't pass muster in this app for whatever reason, don't even try using the other apps. I've tried five CF Cards ranging in size from 4 megs to 64 megs without incident. Note in the screen shot that the CFCardInfo application has recognized my 16 meg card as a SanDisk SDCFB-16.
It also shows details like how many "heads" and "cylinders" this card has. Remember, that a CF Card looks like a hard drive, and doesn't really have physical heads and cylinders - it has "logical" heads and cylinders.
FAFormat - FAFormat does just what it sounds like. It checks your CF Card for validity, and gives you the OK to Quick Format it or not. If you format your CF Card with this App, then insert your card later into a laptop or CF Card adapter, it looks just like a Standard FAT (File Allocation Table) File System. Basically, it's DOS Compatible. This is useful, because you can have .PDB and .PRC file along side your other .DOC and .WHATEVER files. You don't have to dedicate a CF Card to just your Visor files.
FAFileMover - This appears to be a fairly simple app, but it does the job. Its list of features is very complete, and it does a great job as an all around file management utility for Palm Databases.
- Displays all the databases in the Visor's RAM.
- Displays all the PRC/PDB files in the current directory of the CF card.
- Can display size, creator, and database type for all databases and PRC/PDB files.
- Sort by name, size, creator, or database type to quickly locate the databases or files you need.
- Allows you to select and copy any database from RAM to the CF card.
- Allows you to copy any PRC/PDB file form the CF card to RAM.
- Allows you to select multiple databases/files for each operation.
- Allows you to delete databases from the Visor's RAM.
- Allows you to delete PRC and PDB files from the CF card.
- Shows memory usage statistics for the Visor's RAM and the CF card.
- Supports one level of subdirectories on the CF card to make managing a locating files easy.
- Allows creating and removal of CF card subdirectories.
- User friendly interface keeps most operations only a button tap away, features progress indicators for long operations, and even has layouts for both right-handed and left-handed users.
FAFileMover does some optimizations in the background, hidden from the users. This is a good thing. For example, in the Settings dialog there is an option for CF Timing. You can select Max Speed or Min Power. According to Kopsis Engineering, CompactFlash cards allow you to select the power level they should run at. Higher power levels are faster but will drain batteries quicker. The range available depends on the CF card itself. For example, a 4MB Kodak card offers two settings, 28mA to 32mA, while a 64MB SanDisk card offers 8 settings from 48mA to 76mA average peak current. FAFileMover defaults to the lowest power setting. By changing this setting you can make it default to the max speed setting. On cards with a small range of settings, it may not make much difference. But on a SanDisk card, max speed reduced write times by 41%! So, while this may not affect Visor Prism users as much, since we can top off our rechargable batteries anytime, Visor Deluxe users may want to be aware and avoid sucking those AA's dry.

FAFileMover supports directories that are one-level deep, much like Palms support Categories. It's a metaphor that works well.
I've made Backup directories and I copy the contents of my Visor Prism's Main Memory by doing a Select All, the tapping copy. The speed of a complete is about twice as slow as the HandSpring Backup Module, but I can keep multiple copies of backups of an 8Meg Prism on a 48meg card. This allows me to have backups for each day of the week, as well as a Games Directory with a pile of rarely used games.
Copying includes the obligatory progress bar, and it provides sufficiant status, although an "overall progress" bar would be a great addition.
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