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CSM150 Barcode scanner released
Symbol has released its CSM150 barcode scanner. No end-user software is included, but hopefully we'll start seeing DVD catalog software utilize it soon.
Here is an email one of our readers received:You are receiving this email because you chose to be contacted when the CSM150 was shipping. Thank you for your interest in the CSM150 bar code scanning module for Handspring Visor and for your continured patience. After an extremely positive beta review, the CSM150 is now available for purchase via Symbol Online. Special thanks to all who participated in our evalutaion. Please use the following URL to purchase online.
Key features of the CSM150 scanning module are: 2MBof memory on board for use as backup or data storage. File Mover application pre-installed, Scanner Trigger selection and Test scanning applications also pre-installed..
No additional batteries necessary, scratch resistant exit window and an extremely small, lightweight design. All this makes for a highly impressive consumer scanning device.
Please remember the CSM150 scanning module does not come with a End User software application. A SDK (software developers kit) can be downloaded from the url listed online
If you are one of a number of companies currently developing applications for the CSM150 or any other Symbol consumer scanning device, please send us feedback. We would like to know what you are up to and help to promote your solutions.
Thank you and enjoy your new product!
CSM150 Team
Thanks to Felipe for the news. Discuss the CSM150 here.
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