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Preorder the Geode
GeoDiscovery has started taking preorders for its Geode GPS Springboard module, which will begin shipping January 15. Here's some info from the preorder page:The Geode comes with 4 Mbytes of flash memory, pre-loaded with GeoView Mobile software, a World Map Pack featuring boundaries for world-wide countries and major international cities, and a U.S. Map Pack with major highways, roads, lakes and rivers in the entire United States.
The package also includes a CD containing GeoDiscovery U.S. Street Map Packs for all major metro areas, 2 AA batteries and hard cover for your Visor. Now I have to get on the ball to review some of the recent Springboard modules. I'll be taking some modules with me to the in-laws this weekend, so maybe I can have some reviews done before the new year.