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Browse in 16-bit color
So this is what web browser competition feels like. Pumatech Inc. announced today that its Browse-It™ 2.0, demonstrated at PalmSource, will have full 16-bit color capabilities. Here are some features of the upcoming 2.0 version from the press release:Additional features available with Browse-it 2.0 include the ability to update "SnapShots" wirelessly, on-line/remote registration, 8-/16-bit color support and compression of data for network and storage optimization. Browse-it 2.0 also enables backward client support so that lower-end clients will work with a higher-end server and vice-versa. Further, it enables the client to detect the end user's device capabilities so that it can provide the most optimized content for that particular device.
When connected to a wireline or wireless modem, Browse-it transforms handheld devices into information appliances, giving mobile users full and immediate access to information and applications on the Web - anytime, anywhere. Browse-it was designed with the user experience in mind and employs the look and feel of desktop browsers, offering features such as bookmarks, the ability to track browser history, and support for cookies, standard graphic formats, encryption for security, compressed archives, and downloading and installation of native programs and data. Browse-it also provides a unique SnapShot feature that enables users to capture Web content for viewing off-line when wireless or wireline Web access is unavailable. Pricing and availability is not known at this time. With all of the new web browsers being released, it's time to pester Marcus again about building