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Updated Easter eggs in Prism
There is an Easter egg in Palm OS devices that shows a taxi cab scooting across the screen. Handspring has updated the easter egg to be a sporty red convertible.- Go into your Visor's General preferences page and draw a small anti-clockwise circle just above the silkscreen calculator. You should see a little easter egg appear. Even the egg is in color
- Go into Memo Pad, and then, while holding the down button, draw a horizontal line from the middle of the graffiti area all the way to the left edge of the Prism's screen.
- If you do it right, you should see a little red open-topped sports car zoom by from right to left.
Just for grins, I tried the Flip easter egg and noticed that Flip is now in color, but the text only says "Brought to you by: The Handspring Team & Flip!" instead of also listing some of Handspring's employees.
Thanks to Tan Kit Hoong for noticing the red car and for the directions. Discuss the egg here.