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Glenayre & SkyTel partnership
Glenayre and SkyTel announced today that SkyTel will be the prime service provider for all @ctiveLink Springboard modules sold at the Handspring store. Here's a snippet from the press release to wet your appetite:The @ctiveLink operates on ReFLEX networks -- high-speed wireless data networks that allow for two-way interactive messaging between wireless devices. Unlike other wireless networks, ReFLEX networks have the broadest nationwide coverage and superior in-building penetration ensuring that subscribers will receive their messages in almost any location. SkyTel provides a variety of services via ReFLEX networks to millions of customers in the United States and Latin America. Quit teasing me Glenayre with your tantalizing press releases! "You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have Visors with frickin' @ctiveLinks inserted! 