your hand if you have ever played games on your Visor during a meeting.
Who hasn't? While playing Zap!2016 on your Prism will get you caught
for sure, it's a great time waster for those lulls we face in life.
Zap!2016 is essentially a version of Zap!2000
that has been optimized for the 16-bit color of the Visor Prism.
Shoot the bad guys and get powerups along the way, and every once in a
while you go up against a boss.
Your mission -- should you choose to accept it -- is, er, um, shoot
everything in sight. I couldn't find a background story, but basically
Zap!2016 is your typical space shoot'em up. Waves of enemies come
down (and sometimes up) at you. Shoot an entire wave to collect coins
that get you extra points. Sometimes a medic ship comes by that you
can shoot to get weapon powerups.

your main laser weapon (which can be set to automatic if you register),
you also can colect sheilds and nukes to help you out. The game sounds
are actually pretty good because the Prism's speaker is louder and are
a great way to annoy your significant other. You can adjust the Speed
of the game if it's too hard for you (wimp), and can also adjust the Scenery
if the game ever has any slowdown. I never had any problems with
slowdown in the game, and Zap!2016 actually played more smoothly than Zap!2000
on the Prism. The default button configuration (shown) actually works
out pretty well, and since you can adjust the controls, Zap!2016 is
Conclusion >>