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Dubinsky on CBS Marketwatch
CBS MarketWatch has an interview with Handspring CEO Donna Dubinsky, where she discusses the Visor's success in Japan, what the most popular Springboard module is, and alludes to a cell phone Springboard module:Dubinsky: It's clear to us that all of these (hand-held devices) will become wirelessly enabled. We think that's a big opportunity for Handspring. There's a microphone built into it for a cell-phone attachment. A lot of foresight went into it. You can plug in any kind of wireless module. We can support pagers, cell phones, local area wireless. There will be lots of solutions coming out in the next 12 months. I bet if someone would make a TI-85 (or TI-anything) Springboard module, those would sell like hotcakes with the strong student demographic for the Visor.