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Update 3: PC Expo day 2
Wednesday begins with James and Marcus getting some extra sleep after staying up 'till 4 getting the first three articles online. Today looks to be promising as well, as we are going to try to get some interviews with some of the Springboard module vendors. If you're at the show, we're wearing white polo shirts with the VisorCentral logo on them. The following are the tidbits that we'll be updating the articles with:- We will have an interview with Joe Free from GeoDiscovery tonight, and an interview with Bob Fullerton from Innogear later this week.
- I took a close look at the Sony Palm-compatible, and it appears to be somewhat longer yet thinner than other Palm devices (although not the thinness of the Palm V.
- Franklin Electronic Publishers has several ebook modules coming in September/October: The Merriam Webster Dictionary, King James Bible, and Spanish-English Dictionary will all be $49.95 each. Future titles for medical professionals are currently being worked on as well.
- The HandyGPS will store all map data on the Visor, limiting the number of maps shown; however, the maps that I saw were fairly small in size. In terms of accuracy, the Geode beats the HandyGPS hands down. More tonight.
We'll round up all the information we've gathered later tonight and have a special article where we give our opinions on what impressed us at the show.