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Market share & some rumors
Some of the best tidbits come in articles about something else. In this Mercury Center article about defective Palm IIIc's and HP Pocket PCs comes some interesting news on market capitalization for the month of April. According to PC Data, during April Palm took 67.8% of the market, Handspring took 28%, and Pocket PCs pulled in only 4.2% of the PDA market. Handspring is doing pretty well considering that they are new to retail and Palm has a wider variety of products to choose from.
For those looking for rumors, here's a juicy tidbit from the same article:"Analysts are buzzing about Handspring's next product, expected sometime this year. Donna Dubinsky, Handspring's CEO, said in March that Handspring will follow a product roadmap similar to the one at Palm -- which means that after the basic Visor, consumers can expect a sleek product that will compete with the Palm V." The rumored device is said to come out in the fourth quarter -- just in time for Christmas!