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YA GPS module
Well, we've gone from one to three GPS Springboard modules in the span of two days. Tel@Markt has announced the Try@Com, a GSM/GPS Springboard module that allows Visor users to use Short Message Service (SMS), email, and WAP to communicate with others, as well as having GPS functionality for navigation. Here's some info from the press release:GSM
The GSM part of the module is designed in dual-band capable technique and allows people to utilize either E-GSM or DCS GSM ETSI Phase I and II services. The available headset provides the telephony GSM teleservice, which is compatible to any standard mobile headset equipment. Along with regular GSM functionality, other teleservices provided are SMS for point-to-point mobile terminated, mobile originated and cell broadcast short messages. The GSM data transfer is capable of sending and receiving data up to 14.400 bits per second. The GSM software, which is also available from Tel@markt, running the Try@COM module, is Version 07.05 and 07.07 compatible. The internal SIM card reader supports 3 and 5V compatible standard mini SIM-cards.
The built in GPS antenna receives the GPS satellite signal which also can be used for time synchronization of the Visor handheld computer. Using the regular GPS services, the accuracy of the GPS system allows the user to navigate with a maximum precision of 25 meters in horizontal position and, if required, 40 meters in vertical position. Combined with the GSM capabilities of the Try@COM module, GPS offers various kinds of possible applications such as vehicle tracking, regular in-vehicle and handheld mobile navigation and patient or senior citizen monitoring in medical intervention in the case of distress. GPS, messaging, and time synchronization, oh my! No word yet on pricing availability.