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Apache for PalmOS
UPDATE - As most of you figured out this was an April 1st joke by Apache Services, and we decided to play along. However, while a port of Apache to Palm OS would have no real purpose, it would be neat to see :)
UK-based company Apache Services have announced details of their port of Apache for PalmOS, ApachePDA.
Currently in the early alpha stages of development, ApachePDA runs on any Palm device running PalmOS 3.0 (or greater) with 2 megabytes of memory or more, and a modem.
ApachePDA is able to serve pages over the internet via a standard Palm modem or through the IR port with another suitable IR device, such as a laptop or IrDA capable mobile phone such as Ericsson's new T28.
Some performance and functionality has been compromised to ensure ApachePDA will fit in the smallest amount of Palm RAM. Therefore a number of modules and features have been removed. Lack of CGI support means no server-side processing is possible, however Apache Services are currently looking for Palm developers or Apache developers to help them implement PHP and SSL support.
Integration with Palm applications such as Address Book and Date Book mean that the contents of the device (although not the items flagged as 'private') can be accessed and modified via a simple web interface.
When this software becomes stable, we will try to integrate it somehow into the VisorCentral site. Maybe tomorrow.