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Sync with everyone
SyncTalk Professional by Sodeog Technologies is now available and allows you to send contacts, appointments and text documents between two PDAs running Clarion's AutoPC, Microsoft's WindowsCE, 3com's PalmOS, and Symbian's EPOC32.
"We identified a gap in the mobile computing world," explains Ryan Walcott, founder and president of SoDeog Technologies. "Devices only speak to devices of their own kind. They are isolated islands of information with no way to connect. SyncTalk provides a much-needed bridge."
The software translates information into a common language and then beams it to another device using the infrared port. SyncTalk users can easily share critical information.
SyncTalk Professional can be downloaded at for $29.95. A free trial version, SyncTalk Receiver, receives SyncTalk data indefinitely and permits users to try the send feature a limited number of times.