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IntelliGolf module ships
IntelliGolf for the Handspring Visor is now shipping. From the press release:
"The new IntelliGolf module plugs into the Visor's Springboard expansion slot to add golf scorecard capabilities to the handheld. Rather than use traditional pencil/paper golf scoring methods, IntelliGolf automates golf scoring, collects game-improving statistics and tracks up to 17 simultaneous wagers (e.g. Skins) on the Visor. In addition, IntelliGolf comes with a complementary download of its IntelliGolf desktop software for use on Windows®-based PCs. This software provides Internet access to +6,000 golf courses worldwide, tracks historical Round performance, approximates a golfer's handicap and prints scorecards."
IntelliGolf for the Visor retails for $39.95 and is available at Thanks to Pete K for the link.