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Ordering available for Physician's Desk Reference
Franklin is now taking orders for the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR) in both downloadable versions and a Springboard module for the Handspring Visor. The products will ship in February.
From the press release: "Franklin's expansion of its product offerings to include downloadable versions of its extensive list of popular reference and medical reference works will cover the medical titles previously only available as ROM cards for Franklin's proprietary platform, The Franklin Medical Book System. Owners of Palm devices can now visit Franklin's website ... and order either a CD-ROM version of the PDR or download it when available next month. The Visor bundles will include a choice of Visor models with the PDR pre- installed on an 8-MB upgradeable Springboard memory module. These Visor bundles will be available through Franklin on its website as well as through Medical Economics and Handspring."
Who said the Visor was just for consumers?