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Control your house w/ the Visor
Who was complaining about wireless connectivity for the Visor? After Xircom's announcement of multiple Springboard modules comes news that ZiLOG will have a Wave Communicator wireless module that allows you to control pretty much everything in your house with your Visor.
From the press release: By simply plugging ZiLOG's Wave Communicator wireless module technology into a Visor handheld computer, users will be able to easily activate and manipulate
"connectivity-enabled" appliances and electronics from virtually anywhere in their home or office. For example, with the Wave Communicator module in their Visor handheld, a user may turn on the coffee pot in the kitchen from their bedroom, turn on the CD player, dim the lights, and a myriad of other potential interactions. With the cordless phone capability of the Wave Communicator, users can also operate their home automation networks while talking on the phone.
ZiLOG will begin licensing the Wave Communicator wireless platform in Q1 2000.