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If you are a Mac OS X user that misses AvantGo, or are a Windows user that misses using popular custom channels, you can use iSilo and the accompanying iSiloX to download any website to your Visor or Treo.
Using iSiloX is pretty straightforward, and there is an excellent tutorial for Mac users at this website. I manually created an iSilo document for VC Mobile, but there are also instructions for automating the process.
Thanks to Brian Oldham for the website. At this point, the only time I use AvantGo is on the weekends when I can make free calls with the Treo. With Mac OS X being out for almost a year-and-a-half (my copy of 10.2 is on the way), it does not look like AvantGo is interested in keeping Mac users. So be it.
Sometimes I wonder if Handspring is interested in keeping Mac users either. Are you Handspring?