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Live Long, Visor Edge
As of yesterday Visor Edge is no longer available from Handspring's website. Handspring is recommending the Treo 90 as an alternative.
We first reported on the Edge's demise back in April, however at that point Handspring claimed that the unit was still in production.
When it was introduced in early 2001, the Visor Edge was the sexiest PDA on the market. Myself stated that "if Bang & Olufsen produced PDAs, this is the design they would have chosen. Visor Edge is definitely one of the most elegant PDAs I have ever seen. It might appear boxy at first glance, but take a second look and you will find design elements and attention to details never before seen in a PDA."
James agreed in his review: "With the Visor Edge, you can utilize the power of the Springboard slot or shed the extra girth and have one of the thinnest handhelds on the market."
With its sleek aluminum body, and external stylus Visor Edge made a statement... just not a best selling statement. First introduced at $399, we saw a multitude price drops: $299 - $249 - $199 - $169.