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To Wes:
When I (Michael) first started in this there were three major sites that I visited. PalmInfoCenter, Palmstation, and PDABuzz. PDABuzz was, and still is by far the largest of all of these sites - but all of us form one community. It is within this community that I would read what other Visor users thought on the different boards, and what the palm community in general was about. I would read what Wes wrote - and link to the articles there countless times. PDABuzz was one of the many that personally inspired me to be here on VisorCentral writing this now.
For this I thank you Wes. And I'll say it for all of us here at, Thank you. You have done a great job, and I hope you find good luck wherever you go.
Wes's personal site is here. His statement on PDABuzz is here. The Moderators of PDABuzz have all resigned from their positions and have a statement here.
The beginning of an end, or an end of the beginning?
While my experiences are unique, the staff of VisorCentral feel similarly. So again, Thank you Wes.
-Michael Ducker
-Marcus Adolfsson
-James Hromadka
-Kenneth Crandall
-The Moderators