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This way, Treo folks! is a spin off from - a highly successful web site that focuses on Handspring's Visor products. In late 2001 Handspring decided to take a new direction and introduced the Treo, a family of communicator devices. Shortly thereafter, the plans for TreoCentral were formed.
TreoCentral intends to become the center fixture of the Treo online community, by delivering high quality and reliable news, articles, and reviews. In addition, we also have an extensive product database listing most known accessories for the Treo (readers can also write their own reviews), and a online discussion board where users from all over the world can share ideas and provide support to each other.
Realizing that many Treo users are previous Visor owners, VisorCentral and TreoCentral are setup to share the same membership database so no re-registration is needed. In fact, many parts of the online discussion boards are also shared between the sites.
A new exciting feature that TreoCentral provides is custom ringtones for the Treo. Our library contains over a 1000 different tones, ranging from classical to the latest pop music. Our unique "album" system makes it very easy to add ringtones to a Treo, even for the inexperienced users.
Other news worthy items
- The mobile edition of TreoCentral now has support for the dicussion board. We offer a streamlined interface for both reading and posting.
- The software section of Products & Reviews contains listings of most Treo specific applications
- Try out our Ringtones area for free! You will find free ringtones in the classical and anthems categories.
- Our first software appliction, TC Ringer is available. Developed in conjuntion with Mark/Space, this neat application is a Ringtone Manger that lets you assign ringtones to both groups and individuals - so you will know who is calling just by the tone played. And TC Ringer works in conjunction with your existing Address Book, so it is very easy and convenient to configure.
TreoCentral is a new exciting venture for us, but we won't forget about VisorCentral - it is still high on the priority list. Unfortuently, there are currently very few news items and even fewer product annoucments regarding the Visor line.
For now the site will continue as before, no major changes are planned. The only immediate change is that shortly you will see more cross linking with content published on