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More Treo stuff
If I had Visor related news I'd post it, but I don't, so here is some more Treo happenings.
Nutshell, which claims to have "The World's Toughest Genuine Leather Pocket PC Holsters and PDA Cases, Accessories for Handheld Computers" released a holster for the Treo 180, 180g, and 270. It is available in nine different colors of leather and with a beltclip or a belt loop. $39.95, $8 shipping. Currently the only known place to buy it is from Nutshell.
Purple Data Cables has released a Treo to serial cable for connection with landline serial modems, gps and more. Available for a whopping price of $49.99.
The Handspring Treo 180 won PC Magazine's/eWeek's second annual i3 awards for innovative networking technology, in the Wireless Hardware category. It was running against the Palm i705 and a RIM device.