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Charge'N'Run Preview

Last Updated Mon Jan 14, 2002 - 10:23 PM EST - By Michael Ducker

What is it!??!

Introducing the Charge-N-Run for the Visor, by Pellico Systems.

After talking extensively with Pellico Systems, and waiting for the appropriate time for NDAs to expire, VisorCentral brings you this extensive preview:

The Charge-N-Run like other Visor chargers is a two part system. The first - a specially designed 700 mAh battery and a replacement battery door - have already been done by other companies.

But the second part of this system, the charger connector is unique. Instead of being a cable - instead of being a plug, the Charge-N-Run snaps on top of your existing Visor cradle, and provides seamless charging whenever the Visor is in the cradle.

As shown in the picture, the Charge-N-Run is rather un-obtrusive except for two small wings, one of which through an LED shows the charging status of the battery. The Charge-N-Run will snap onto the cradle to provide a secure fit, and the Visor will also maintain a secure hotsync connection.

The pictures VisorCentral has obtained show prototypes - while the physical design has been decided, color has yet to be. For the cradle expect something like a Neo blue, where as for the battery doors, they will hopefully match your existing Visor.

The battery door has two small holes in it for the contacts on the batteries; for the safety of the Visor the batteries have a built in protection circuit incase of a static shock or other things. The charger will snap on to the cradle, and a 6V AC/DC adaptor will be included to power it.

Unluckily, Pellico Systems is still in talks with multiple distributors, and they are still working on some aforementioned details. The target price is $39.99, (the same as the Palm version), and it will be available late Q1- to Q2 online and at major retailers nationwide.

VisorCentral would like to thank Pellico Systems for participating in this interview, and would also like to encourage you to e-mail what colors/etc you want to [email protected].

Finally somebody has made a working prototype for a dream of many (myself too! In an article I wrote awhile back, I attempted to make a charging cradle too! It never worked though...) VisorCentral will have a review of this product as soon as we can get our hands on it!


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