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Weekend Mailbag
As we near Christmas, it seems that we can't go a day without hearing about a stores price reduction of a Visor, or a visor accessory. Today's lineup:
Walmart has lowered the price of the Prism again - this time to $238. That's down $10 from earlier this week, and more than $60 from the retail price of the Prism.
Fry's is selling the Visor Deluxe for $99.
Sams Club has an awesome deal, where for only $199 you can get both a Visor Platinum, and an Eyemodule 1! This is not a rebate offer, or buy two - our sources say that it is a special retail package combining the too. And to think that almost one year ago (Dec. 25th) I received my first Visor - a Platinum, with a cost of $299.
Iambic released a new game this week - BumpAttack. BumpAttack brings the graphics quality of Ababall to another game. It supports multiple tables, and will scroll the screen to accommodate tables larger than the screen. Available now for $14.95
Astraware (known for games like Zap 2000 or Bejeweled) also released a new game this week. Collapse is (IMHO) a very addictive game where you try to score points by clicking groups of similar colored blocks of three or more. $14.95. (Please note I that I am a non-paid beta-tester for Astraware)
The auction for the first Handspring Treo ended this week. The winning bid of $3050 will benefits the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America. VisorCentral is working on a possible article about this; if it happens, check it out by the end of the year.
Talking about Treos - This weekend is the last weekend to enter in the VisorCentral Countdown to Christmas. The winner of the grand prize of a Treo 180 will be randomly selected from all correct answers.
Xerox has won it's lawsuit against Palm alleging patent violations for Graffiti. Palm says that it will appeal the ruling, which was made by the 8th circuit of appeals. See news articles about it here, here, and here.
Last of all, everyone at VisorCentral wishes you a safe and happy holiday! We'll be back on Wednesday; until than - keep sending us news, keep posting on the boards, and have a great holiday!
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