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Weekend Mailbag
Today, VisorCentral received it's 20,000th thread on the discussion boards. With more than 10,700 registered members, that's almost 2 threads per person! Another record was also set; yesterday VisorCentral had 76 people on the boards at once, breaking the old record of 70 on September 14th.
VisorCentral's 12 days of Christmas contest has been a great success so far! More then 700 people have entered, and we've already announced 4 winners. Make sure to vote every day to increase your chances of winning the grand prize - a Handspring Treo.
Now, to some news...
Jetlog Corp. released a new springboard module this week, the JetLog 24x7 PowerNapping Module. Retailing for $99, and available at PalmGear, the JetLog module is tool to help assist in Power Napping.
By utilizing a touch sensor and louder alarm, the Power Napping module can determine if you've fallen off into deep sleep during a nap, and thus sound an alarm to wake you up. This is supposed to help you nap, but be able to wake up without feeling groggy, or more tired than when you took your nap.
The whole concept is based on a collection of Nasa Studies; for more info see the FAQ, or the reference guide [large PDF]. I myself find that I experience the exact symptoms that they describe after taking a nap - the grogginess, the fact that I feel more tired than before I slept - maybe this module is for me? It can even do personalized wake up calls, recording off the Visor's microphone.
Although, at $99 for what the module really is (in hardware) it might seem a bit expensive. The software is based on the GNU released app, BigClock, and has just added a couple of new features.
In other news, SnapOn, a large supplier of automotive parts offers four Springboard modules for reference and diagnostics. (thanks to whiteytech for the news).
The large PDA eBook and eDoc repository MemoWare was bought out by HandMark this week.
If you have any news for the Weekend Mailbag, or for a standalone article feel free to e-mail it to [email protected].