Earlier this month, Raynet Technologies introduced the Personal Massager Springboard module, quite possibly the most unique handheld computer accessory ever created. The Personal Massager allows Visor owners to enjoy a stimulating muscle workout at any time.
The full review will come in the next few weeks, but here are some impressions for now. The module is slightly thicker than a standard-size module but fits fine in my Vaja Prism case. There are three types of massages: chopping, squeezing, and tapping. There are also specific workouts programmed for the back, shoulders, and legs.
The massage can be intensified using the hardware buttons. The range is from 0-150, but I couldn't get it much higher than 70 before my skin started shaking! The massage felt great; I'm enjoying one now as I write this article. The massage pads have a gummy surface and adhere to the skin. They are replaceable.
As someone in the forums noted, the Personal Massager is not to be used on certain parts of the body. :) My wife tried a lower-back massage and really liked it. This will definitely be one of the modules that I take with me to Comdex next month. Now to get back to that massage. Ahhhhh.....