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Module Madness
Today Handspring is launching a promotion called Module Madness. Ten
developers are offering a 20 percent instant rebate on 23 different
Springboard modules on PalmGear. The promotion
will last until November 6, 2001. The Springboard developers
participating and the modules offered in the promotion include:- Arkon: Arkon Parafone
- Card Access: ThinModem and ThinModem Plus Springboard modules
- Franklin Electronics: Physician's Desk Reference, Harrison Principals
Internal Medicine, Handbook of Adverse Drug Interactions, and the
Washington Manual Springboard modules
- Hagiwara: Backup and 8MB Flash Module, 16MB Flash Module, 8MB Flash
Module and the Stepkeeper Springboard modules
- Infinity Softworks: powerOne Graph Calculator and powerOne Finance
Calculator modules
- Innogear: MiniJam MP3 Player and Innopak 2V modules
- Karrier Communications: Intelligolf Springboard module
- PalmTop: V-Rally
- Pocket Express; Entertainment Pack, Pocket Recipes, Pocket Chess, and
dbNow Springboard modules
- Xircom: Wireless Ethernet Module and SpringPort 56K Modem module
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