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New version of FlashAdapter software
Kopsis, Inc. announced today the 2.0 release of its FlashAdapter™ software for certain CompactFlash Springboard modules.
The most significant update is VFS support, which allows third-party applications to have direct access to a CompactFlash card. VFS (virtual file system) is a component of Palm OS 4.0 but any Visor owner can utilize the VFS support found in the new release of FlashAdapter.
Applications that utilize VFS can be stored and ran from the CF card, and more importantly, data can now be modified while on the card!
For legacy applications that are not VFS-aware, PowerRUN uses small portions of RAM to swap data when needed.
VFS is an important component in the future of the Palm platform. "The pace of development for the PalmOS is what's kept it the leading OS in the PDA world." said Dave Kessler, President of Kopsis, Inc. "With Palm's release of the VFS specification and new devices that support it, the development of VFS enabled applications has gone into high gear. By providing VFS in the FlashAdapter software, we make it possible for Visor owners to reap the benefits of this new wave of applications without having to abandon their Visor."
Other nice features of the new version of FlashAdapter include extra storage for FlashPlus users, the ability to move files, and a 58 page user manual. FlashAdapter 2.0 is a free upgrade for MatchBook and InnoPocket owners. Click here for the full press release.