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Blazer 2.0 Beta
The beta version of Blazer 2.0 is now available from
With this new version, Handspring has updated Blazer 1.1 with a great new user interface (including enhanced bookmarking) and has optimized Blazer for faster performance and better reliability. In addition, Blazer 2.0 now supports additional security features, including HTTP authentication and proxy server login.
Handspring is currently running an open beta test of the Blazer 2.0. In order to participate you'll need to need a Palm OS handheld computer with the ability to establish an Internet connection.
The beta program will run from September 16 to October 15. At the end of the beta period, testers will be able to purchase the full commercial version of Blazer 2.0 or, if you already have a registered copy of Blazer 1.1, upgrade to Blazer 2.0 at no additional charge.