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Matchbook Products extends liquidation
MatchBook Products, maker of the MatchBookDrive compactflash adapter for the Visor handheld, today announced that is extending the liquidation sale of its MatchBookDrive adapters.
“We announced the liquidation sale on August 8, and expected to sell out our stock and close the company by August 31,” said Keith Hudson, owner of MatchBook Products. “The response to our liquidation has been so overwhelming that we have been able to resolve a long-standing dispute with our manufacturer and free up an additional supply of flush adapters. As a result, we are extending our liquidation sale. As of 7 a.m. today, we have about 45 long adapters (MD-001) left at $8 each. We also have about 80 flush adapters (MD-100) left at $20 each, and we can get another 250 to 300 of the flush adapters. After that, we will not be making any more. We will continue to sell the more expensive FlashPlus adapter by Innopocket, with the software right on the adapter.”
The MatchBookDrive adapter is the only adapter on the market today that allows the use of Type II compactflash memory cards. (Type II housings cost $4 extra.) Some older compactflash cards, especially larger capacity cards, are of the thicker Type II format.
Hudson said that if they are able to sell the remaining 300 flush MD-100 adapters, MatchBook Products will be able to continue in business, although it will then become a reseller of the Innopocket FlashPlus adapter and other innovative products for the Visor handheld computer, rather than manufacturing its own compactflash adapters. “As far as I know, we are the only company currently retailing a compactflash adapter for the Visor that will work with Type II compactflash memory cards,” said Hudson. “However, with Type I cards now available in sizes up to 640MB, the Type II adapter is not as badly needed as it once was. By eliminating the problems inherent in manufacturing, we will be able to focus on customer service. We entered the market because there was no one offering this product, and we thought it was just too desirable a product not to make it available. Now that others have followed us into the market, we want to focus on customer service.”