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WordSmith 2.01 released
Blue Nomad has released version 2.01 of WordSmith, its popular word processing application for the Palm™ operating system. WordSmith now includes FineType font technology for monochrome users, so now you don't have to be a Prism owner to enjoy custom fonts. Other new features include:- WordSmith users can now print rich text, formatted documents with InStep Print 2.0 ($29.95) by The InStep Group
- More printing enhancements, such as the ability to print rich text, formatted memos with InStep Print or PrintBoy Documents or PrintBoy Deluxe from Bachmann Software
- New display option for full-screen paging (i.e., if this option is enabled, a page down will not copy the last line of the prior page onto the next page).
- New “Take-A-Break” feature for e-book reading is just what the doctor ordered. This feature allows you to set a time after which teleprompter mode will pause for you to give your eyes a break.
- Support for international characters in file names on Macintosh. Please read the updated ReadMe included with the Mac version before installing 2.01.
- Faster hi-resolution FineType
I really like the FineType functionality inside WorSmith. Verdana is one of my favorite fonts and really looks great on my Visor Prism. The 2.01 upgrade is free to all registered WordSmith users, otherwise it is $29.95.