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New Visor Book
A new book for Visor users is now on store shelves: Handspring Visor: Visual QuickStart Guide by Jeff Carlson. Here are the details from its back cover: Your Handspring Visor is more than just a digital phone book, so exploit the possibilities. While there are many books on the Palm OS, Handspring Visor: Visual QuickStart Guide is one of the very few devoted exclusively to the Visor. It's your guide to the handheld world, from the simple--managing appointments and tracking tasks--to the sublime--connecting to the Internet and using the Visor as a cellular phone to make calls on the go.
If you're new to the world of handhelds, start with the basics: working with the Visor's operating system, the Palm OS, and its input language, Graffiti. Then move on to practical, step-by-step sections on how to integrate the Visor into your daily life. Handspring Visor: VQS takes you far beyond what you'll find in the manual. Learn not only how to use the Date Book, for example, but also strategies for improving your time-management skills. And with the Visor, you never need be out of touch. There's an entire section on how to access the Internet wirelessly, using a variety of snap-on modems and wireless networking modules. The book covers the most up-to-date Handspring Visor models, including the sleek Visor Edge and the color Visor Prism, plus expansion modules like GPS receivers, MP3 players, digital cameras, gaming devices, and the ultra-convenient Visor Phone. HS:VQG retails for $19.99 but is currently $13.99 at Amazon.