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VisorAdventure Update
Prizes and a Date Change
First thing I want to mention is that during the trip we will not only be giving away a lot of great stuff, but I have arranged for tons of rebates as well. We'll be doing a combination giveaway, meaning we will be giving away free product at all the CompUSA stops, on the VisorCentral site, and through GeoCashing. Although you can win stuff from the VisorCentral website, your odds are much better if you come out to a store. We'll be giving away numerous copies of BugMe! and BugMe! Messenger. We'll give away copies of some great Iambic software like ActionNames and Ababall. I have 20 Stowaway keyboards to give away. There are 19 copies of FileMaker Pro up for grabs (Windows or Mac - now that Filemaker Mobile is available). I also have a number of surprise giveaways as well.
For the lucky few who have a GPS module or some type of GPS unit, I will be leaving some GPS coordinates and some clues as to where someone can find a special prize I'll leave behind. I'll try and leave something in every state I visit.
Date Change
One of our readers pointed out that my original date for NYC fell on the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana. So, I will be moving the NYC date from the 17th to the 18th of September.
The trip starts soon and I have a lot of great surprises. Stay tuned!