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Audible Advisor details (updated)
Yesterday I mentioned that the Audible Advisor from Card Access was going to be available soon. Today we have exclusive details on the Springboard module.
The Audible Advisor is a standard size Springboard module that allows Visor owners to listen to books, magazines, and newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal that are available from Approximately four hours of audio recordings can be stored on the Advisor's 16MB of memory, and the Visor's RAM can also be used to store content. Users can listen to Audible content while inside other applications.
Users can control the recordings using the Visor's screen or by using the Visor's hardware buttons (Skip Fwd, Fast Fwd, Skip Back, Fast Rewind, Stop, Play, Next Book, Vol Up, and Vol Down). When using the Visor's buttons, the screen stays off, saving battery power.
The Audible Advisor includes FileMover and will work with an updated version of USB FileMover, allowing users to run additional applications and other non-audio data on their Visors. The Audible Advisor requires a USB cradle and unfortunately only works with Windows. Mac users can still use the Audible Advisor for file storage but won't be able to use USB FileMover.
The Audible Advisor, like other Card Access products, can be upgraded through software. Card Access could conceivably add MP3 and audio recording to the Advisor at some point in the future, making it an even better buy.
The Audible Advisor will be available from starting next Tuesday. Pricing for the module is $129.95 standalone or $49.95 with a subscription from (see website for details).