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Nexian demo transcript
Nexian's Lee J. Yi demonstrates the capabilities of HandyGPS Pro. Transcribed by Michael Ducker. ([email protected]). As this is a demonstration, please see the video to put the conversation in context.
Lee: Some of the new features of the handy GPS pro, are.. its got a rechargeable battery on the back, which is a what a lot of our consumers have been asking for. 10 hour life time, as opposed to the four on the original. Over here we've got an external antenna now. We've got a car adaptor for infinite time, we've got a travel charger, we've also got new color software umm there's the UBIgo in color. We're also bundling with Rand McNally. so.. that's just some of the features.
James: How well does this one work in a car, versus to the original? When I reviewed the original one, I had some problems with it inside the vehicle Do you have better reception in vehicles now?
Lee: In the vehicle.. I'm going to be honest. I'm not going to say
it's better, that's why we implemented the external coverage. Plug it in to here, stick it on your roof. Full coverage.
James: How much is the external antenna?
Lee: External antenna I think normally runs at other places like $60 or more. We're thinking of a price of $25-30, we're not sure. And of course, bundled with the GPS buy it at the same time, cheaper even more.
James: Ok, so you can buy it with it, and get it cheaper
Lee: yeah
James: ok How much storage does it have, for maps.. and things like that. Are they stored on the Visor or stored on the module?
Lee: Still stored on the Visor. We were toying with the idea of putting it on the module itself, for simplicities sake we're going to keep it on the visor for now.
James: How much is the pro version of [the HandyGPS]?
Lee: the pro.. the first one was $149, the pro is $199. Bundled with Rand McNally, $229. We got an internet special right now, both for price of $199, that's through the end of July.
James: Is it shipping now?
Lee: It will be shipping at the end of July.
James: As far as additional features of UBIgo, or Rand McNally, does if have any additional features like planning a trip?
Lee: Well, that's the great thing about the Rand McNally package, is that now you have point to point directions. which is something that many of our customers have been asking for.
James: So I can say, right now we're at the Javits. So I can say get me from here, back to our hotel. And it will give me street to street directions.
Lee: What I will do is add Javits to your hotel. Let me zoom out a little bit so I can see better. A little more colors. It would show a kind of thick highlighted line of where you would need to follow. So you would just drive along that line.
James: ok It looked like it was pretty fast as far as for the refresh rate, I noticed how fast it was. Looks like you've worked on that.
Lee: We're on a Prism, so it redraws pretty quickly. We were testing the edge, it's even a little bit faster.