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PC Expo next week
Next week Marcus, Kenny and I will be in attendance at PC Expo 2001 at the Javits Convention Center in New York. The conference doesn't officially begin until Tuesday, so Monday will (hopefully) be light on news.
We will be providing in-depth coverage of the conference throughout the week, with news, interviews, articles, and if all goes well, Quicktime video from the show's floor.
VisorCentral will be meeting with various software, accessory, and module makers during the show and will make short news items throughout the day, with major updates late at night. To make sure you don't miss anything, use the frontpage graphic that will go up once coverage begins.
This is a very important conference for both Palm and Handspring. Palm CEO Carl Yankowski will be giving the keynote Tuesday morning. Considering the rough times that Palm has gone through lately, it could make for a depressing time. Of course, he would make my day if Palm released OS X Desktop!