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VisorAdventure Departure Date
Well if you've been wondering when I'll be heading out and towards your neck of the woods, the tentative departure date for VisorAdventure (barring armageddon, locusts, or earthquake) will be August 17th.
August has no major holidays and all the July 4th traffic will be long gone. Sure, there will still be some stragglers, dragging along helpless family members on long drawn-out treks to see the USA, but I gotta leave before the snow starts to fall.
As far as the stops I will be making and those dates, I will formalize them next week. I can tell you many of the cities and CompUSA locations I will be hitting on my way. There will be more, but I can guarantee the following:
Las Vegas
San Francisco
Washington DC
more to come...
So I hope to see you out there. We'll be running special promotions, doing some giveaways, and of course, you'll get to see the technology in action. If you show up, I guarantee you won't go away empty handed.
Everyone will get something for nothing.