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Acrobat Reader impressions
Adobe has released Acrobat Reader for Palm OS. This allows users to read PDF files while preserving the styled text, images, and bookmarks that PDF allows.
A desktop application (surprisingly Windows-only) converts PDF files into a format for the Palm OS. Tagged PDF files created with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 work best.
I downloaded the 6MB+ file and installed the application. The Palm OS application takes 195 KB on the Visor. I then installed the User Guide as well as the PowerBook G4 Datasheet (what can I say I love my TiBook). The User Guide from Adobe was tagged so it was 138 KB in size, but the PBG4 Datasheet wasn't so it was 287 KB in size.
After a HotSync, I tried out the Reader. Although the application's icon was in color, images are greyscale. Images are resized to fit the Visor's screen, but you can tap-and-hold on the image to see it full-size.
Overall, the Acrobat Reader is functional, but is slow when scrolling, doesn't work in color, and has no Mac support. Rather disappointing considering that there are already competing PDF readers available for the Palm OS.
You can discuss Acrobat Reader for Palm OS here.