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VisorPhone now "World Phone" certified
The VisorPhone is now officially a "World Phone," which offers users the opportunity to use the phone in Europe, Asia/Pacific and the Americas.
VisorCentral reader jonecool reported earlier this month that he used his VisorPhone successfully in several European countries.
From Handspring's FAQ:
VisorPhone works wherever there is GSM service available on the 900 and 1900 MHz radio frequencies. GSM service is available throughout North America, Europe, Australia, and some parts of South America and Asia. For a list of GSM service frequencies by Country check out GSM World.
You must first arrange for International calling and roaming with your service provider.
However, some Visor handhelds provide higher performance in some geographies.
If you wish to use your VisorPhone as a world phone, you should purchase a Visor Prism, Visor Platinum or Visor Edge. While VisorPhone will work with the 2 MB Visor handheld, Visor Deluxe and Visor Solo in other countries, Handspring strongly recommends using VisorPhone as a world phone with the higher-end models which have been optimized for communications modules operating on the 900 MHz radio frequency used most often overseas.