2.4" x 4.3" x 1.2"
5.7 oz. w/ batt.
3 K on Visor when inserted (GeoView maps take extra)
2-3 Meters
Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
63% |
37% |

What are ytou talking about, recall? |
GeoDiscovery is only going to get better, oh ye of little faith! How many GPS units do you know of that can be updated with new software and features and have the capability of unlimited storage space, (still to come)? Not HandyGPS or Magellan! It works great for me!
willa |

Geode Schmode |
Hello, I would just like to tell everyone to WAIT! Let Geodiscovery smooth out the wrinkles before you too get a defective unit.
Anonymous |

No Magic Touch for This Module |
I've been known to have the magic touch to make anything work. Either I lost my touch or this module is still in Beta stage. Being released with all the flaws still needing to be fixed. My expectations were definitely not met, they kept pushing back the release date I was expecting a sure thing. I expect to be hearing of a recall soon.
Mike the Magic One |

I've had it! |
After crashing my visor for the millionth time I think I'm ready to throw in the towel and call it quits. The only thing the Geode is good for is a flashing night light for my kids.
Benny |

Great HW Poor SW |
For a company that communicate on content and value that is a paradox to see such a poor and useless software. I have been impressed by the HW versus the HandyGPS (I have a working one! yes! no kidding!) and its ability to keep a fix in my car or to even get a fix within my home! It get a fix pretty fast and then keep it.
Expandability is a key factor particularly with the small memory from the Visor.
So I am eager to see some SW that will allow me to use it and address existing bugs!
I would realy like it to work with QuoVadis from Macrosoft that is currently the best mapping SW for the Palm OS.
But that will be possible only when the Geode will be NMEA compatible...
So, we got the HW, good, When do we get the SW ?
kikou |

Works Great for me |
I have been having a great time with my Geode. I've read some complaints about the software not keeping up. It keeps up with me at 65+ on the interstates here. It tracks from the passenger seat of the truck. It locks on in about 30 secs on a cold start and often much shorter.
The software improvements many would like to see are (apparently) in the works at Geodiscovery and an update with some of them should be out next week (2/14) according to their web page.
I've been having a ball with mine!
jaytee |

A Sexy Paper Weight |
A sexy paper weight is what it has become since it doesn't work. Not only does it crash my Visor
nearly every time, it's tracking is so slow, by the time it catches up to my driving speed, I've
already left that area. Who would make a GPS that constantly is showing the route behind me. It eats my dust.
PeterConrad |

Not all its chalked up to be |
I eagerly awaited the Geode's release. I have a lousy sense of direction and easily get lost. The Geode seemed to offer salvation. The Geode's repeated shipping delays led to greater and greater expectations- which were quickly dashed. Out of the box, I had great difficulty getting a fix. On the few occasions when I did, attempts to switch to the mapping software resulted in a fatal error. During a frustrating weekend of too many attempts I only got the Geode to briefly function on two occasions. I realize my unit was probably defective. However, the maps took up far too much room- necessitating me removing most everything else when I wanted maps to accompany a 2hr road trip. Even with a defective unit I could see that the Geode a)has serious limitations and b) it won't keep me from getting lost. It isn't as convenient, quick, or easy to use as I'd envisioned. I'm currently looking into a dedicated GPS.
Jason |

This thing is cool! |
I love my Geode, it is awesome, I have played with the Magellan stuff and it doesn't compare. All you get is a GPS, and a map. The Geode isn't just a GPS, that is only one part! GeoExchange, great idea, exchanging points of interest with other users, content from 3rd parties, wow, there is no limit to what you can do. I hear they have great plans for the software, color, topo's, exciting. The thing I like best about the Geode is that it is so upgradable. Everytime they release a new update to software, you get it free. With the other companys, you buy it, that is all you get! No upgrades, no updates, nothing. Lifer Geode fan!
crissyt |

Geode is a Fatal Error |
I received my Geode in January and the minute I put the stupid thing into my Visor, I got a "fatal error" and needed to reboot. So right off the bat, all of the memory in my visor is wiped out. It’s a good thing I had a back up. I guess I’ve learned the hard way to never plug in the Geode with out a full backup. I had to do a hard reset at least once a week, this sucked. Geodiscovery insisted that I could change the LAT and Time but I could never figure out how to do it. Once I got locked on it took a long time to see the HWY. To top that off, I was going about 65mph and the map couldn’t keep up with me. I have returned the module with a full refund. I don’t expect to pay $300 for a piece of crap.
Maricella |