2.4" x 4.3" x 1.2"
5.7 oz. w/ batt.
3 K on Visor when inserted (GeoView maps take extra)
2-3 Meters
Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
63% |
37% |

Three out of four and getting better! |
I give the Geode a resounding Thumbs Up
I give the GeoView an undecided. Its close just not yet complete.
I give the plans for GeoView a Thumbs Up.
I give Geodiscovery a Massive Thumbs Up.
That's three out of four.
I use this product, and I am very satisfied with it. It is fun, locks on signals fast, and is accurate. I particularly enjoy making my own POI's with notes, and sharing them at GeoDiscovery. The fun level will go right out the roof when improvements on the GeoView software come on line. You should go to the GeoDiscovery's forum and see what people have to say, and what the folks at Geo have planned. This thing really is what GPS is all about.
Have Geode, will travel.
Dafydd |

Good unit - will even get better with time |
I have used the Geode in city and have found that works well with the map. Speed of the map download is dependent upon your Visor. The Deluxe used a 16 Mhz chip and is slower. If you want the map to load faster you need the Platinum, it downloads the map at an impressive speed.
I like the unit and once the bugs get worked out and the second generation comes out, the Geode will be a sweet unit.
Sam |

Hardware really performs! |
This is a great module, but it really will come into its own with the software improvements. It is not very useful with the current map features.
Kevin |

Very good hardware. |
I found the Geode to be very good.
The software isn't perfect, yet.
While others may talk of features that are missing when compared to Brand 'X', I know that everything they mention is a software feature that can be added.
No other 'Palm' GPS provides the accuracy and map storage that the Geode does.
I am trusting that future releases of the software will prove to be feature rich.
Bruce |

Newbie to GPS |
I really don't have anything to base my opinion on except that this unit does everything that GeoDiscovery promised. Since it is such a new device, I'm waiting for full color support and a number of other features due in upcoming software releases. The unit has a hard time staying locked on the sats when in my car, but after talking to other GPS owners I'm finding out that thats to be expected. The main purpose for this unit is to set the alignment on my Meade LX200 Telescope when I'm traveling. I will always have the long. & lat. at hand.
Dennis Bednarski |

Great Hardware, Software has Promise |
Being an early adopter of any product is sometimes challenging, but you also have the opportunity to shape the future direction of the product and that is great. This is my first GPS unit of any kind and the price is higher than the others available, but I figured I could spend $150 on a module that only does A or spend $289 on a product that does A-Z. The choice was clear to me. This module has a great design. It has great promise especially when the MMC cards are fully implemented allowing 128Mb of storage, and with the ability to share location data with others. Yes it lacks some of the features that the other modules have, but these features can be added, and it has additional features that they don't have (Map storage capability for one). I have been very pleased by GeoDiscovery's attention to the problems users are having. They have been more than helpful and are very open to suggestions on how to improve the product. As long as the problems are corrected and new features implemented, I will be very satisfied. I look forward to using my Geode and sharing in the promise of this product.
slawyer |

Dispite early model qwerks- works well and fixes likely to come |
Works well for an early model. Want color support and some fixes to qwerky software. MMC manager when out will expand capability. Geodiscovery very supportive and appears responsive to customer suggestions. Glad I have one.r
Ron C |

Great unit will out shine all others |
The advantage of this GPS receiver
is that it has a built in differencial
coorection capability via the FAA's
WAAS system. Preliminary test indicate
that the unit has an accuracy of
+/- 2 meters with respect to National
Spacial Reference System. Geode is both
a recreational as well as business/
industrial device. A good value.
Donald Draper Campbell |

Works Great! |
All of the required features of the software are in place and working quite well. I would be happy if this was all that it could do, but GeoDiscovery is promising more cool stuff. They're giving MMC capabilities, searching capabilities, and I'm sure that they've got more things planned. I have been extremely happy with the module and with GeoDiscovery. They are more responsive in the forums than any other company that I've seen. They really care about they're product.
They also used flash memory in the Geode so that it can be updated easily at any time. -They can fix the not turning off problem (which only happens to me every other time or so), they can add the ability to have speed displayed in miles/hour, etc. And they can do these things without having to send it in to get the new "Bios". GeoDiscovery is a company that's committed to supporting it's customers and it's product.
The only time that I crashed my Visor was when I pulled the Geode out while in the mapping application. This required a soft reset and nothing was lost. This seems to be the standard with all modules: you can't pull it out while in the application. If you pull it out in the home screen though, there's no problem.
Have Geode - Will travel
hang5lngbd |

Works great, very upgradeable. |
In one cool unit, you have the ability to store up to 128 MB of Palm programs and maps using the MMC cards and the entire application itself is upgradeable. Buy it for the hardware, the software will be upgraded within the month. Think about it, everyone wants expansion, here you have that AND a GPS unit.
Jason |